In many homes, the tankless water heater has become a highly desirable alternative to traditional water heaters. This appliance, sometimes referred to as an “on-demand water heater,” is more compact in size and energy efficient. However, just like you care for the other appliances in your home, your tankless water heater needs care, too! Maintenance includes descaling, a process that is performed to ensure efficiency of your water heater. The Water Heater Dude is here to educate you on how to descale, what descaler to use, and how this maintenance extends the lifespan and functionality of your appliance.
Why is it important to descale a tankless water heater unit?
All appliances experience wear and tear, but certain appliances that come in contact with water have higher risks of experiencing a buildup of mineral deposits over time. This is where descaling comes into play. Descaling can remove the buildup of magnesium, calcium, and other minerals that may develop inside the heat exchanger of your tankless water heater. Also known as scale or limescale, this buildup, if not addressed regularly, can ruin your appliance and require expensive repairs or even replacement.
To address this, The Water Heater Dude encourages you to regularly descale your tankless water heater with a descaler. Not only will this keep the water clean and ensure efficiency, but it also guarantees you will have hot water when you need it most—and for many, many years!
How often should I use a descaler on my tankless water heater?
The type of water that is part of your local water supply will often determine how frequently you should descale your appliance. If you live in an area with hard water or water with high mineral content, you need to perform a descale more often than those living with softer or treated water. The Water Heater Dude recommends descaling your tankless water heater at least once a year, but areas with hard water may benefit from a descaling every six months instead. Homes with soft water can often wait longer periods of time between descaling, performing maintenance every 18 months to two years.
How do I choose the right descaler?
Descaling products are readily available, but there are different kinds that are used in different environments and with specific types of water heaters. The Water Heater Dude encourages the use of non-toxic, biodegradable descalers, as they are safe and environmentally friendly. Descalers chosen for tankless water heaters should be marked for use in these appliances as it is safer for certain elements such as copper and stainless steel elements. The descaling process involves the circulation of both water and descaler into the heat exchanger of the unit to effectively remove the buildup of minerals in the tankless water heater. It can take several hours and can be performed by the homeowner or with the assistance of The Water Heater Dude!
Who can I contact in the Waxhaw, North Carolina, area to help with my tankless water heater?
With regular descaling of your tankless water heater, you can help in maintaining its efficiency and its lifespan. However, if you are struggling with this task and need assistance, we invite you to connect with The Water Heater Dude! He has almost three decades of experience in providing water heater services, including repair and replacement. Fill out this form or call (704) 989-7958 to request a consultation appointment at your house to learn more about caring for your current appliance or replacing it!